There are things I want others views on...perhaps those issues would best be addressed this way.
The Preamble of India- Read it to yourself loudly
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
Just try and place yourself in a room of people who have fought tooth and nail for their freedom. Fought for the right to assert the individuality of a nation.
It will give you goosebumps. The feeling is rather over whelming.
But then I realize how horribly we have failed in achieving these goals.
Its not that its a matter of time...of course ours is a young country. But will time help us evolve a conscience?
Consider Justice- social, economic and political.
Have we even started with it?
A boy in rags looking at me with pitiable eyes and begging for alms doesn't appeal to my sense of social justice.
A maid working in my house for Rs 500 a month and my spending 1000 bucks on a dress doesn't appeal to my sense of economic justice either
And should I even get started on political justice?
The worst part is I want to be the change i want t see. But I don't know how! I wish to serve the nation, but I am clueless regarding how t do it.
I say I want to join politics, then I am discouraged by the fact that my family isn't even remotely connected to politics.
But I am not ready to give up.
And surprising as you may find it....there are so many young people who think the same way. I know many and all of us are ready to serve this country with all that we have to give. We believe in the vision that the constructors of this nation had. And we will make these dreams come true.
However these people form a very small part of the youth of the nation.
Majority of us are satisfied with what we have, busy in the virtual world of comfort created around us.
This shield protecting us from reality threatens to break every time we see a beggar on the streets, a woman fighting for justice for her friend (Ruchika case), or another woman shooting down terrorist to protect a family or a boy of 16 teaching a class f 800 students in his backyard.
This threatens to occupy a position in our mind which won't let us be at peace. But we follow the ignorance-is-bliss path and shut our eyes.
We convince ourselves that
The child is begging on the street- its what his fate is
Indian judicial system is screwed- that is just how it is
Terrorism is a part f the modern world.
If only we were not used to the misery around us....if only we were human enough to feel the pain that these people feel....perhaps we could make this country a better place..........
and perhaps we will.